Family & Community Engagement

Engaging Communities: Early Childhood Councils

Early Childhood Community Councils are an effective strategy to strengthen collaboration in working toward the best interest of young children & their families. Community councils can include school districts, child care, Head Start, parents, libraries, public health, business & anyone else who cares about the well-being of young children & their families. Councils create a vision, goals & strategies that are unique to the needs of their community. Shared leadership & responsibility help to build & sustain mutual respect & a collaborative spirit in the community.

Children’s Empowerment Through Education (CETE Network website) – The WI Dept of Children & Families, along with WDPI & Health Services created the CETE Network. This network of early childhood coalitions work together to create partnerships & investments in their communities to improve the quality of early childhood programs. Through CETE, local partnerships will receive training, financing, support & tools to help engage more community members.

The Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Council (website) This Council is building upon the work of the Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners (WECCP), the Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board & the Governor’s Birth to 3 Interagency Coordinating Council, to help ensure that all children & families in WI have access to quality early childhood programs & services.

Building & Sustaining Early Childhood Councils (ppt) This resource will be useful in building or sustaining early childhood councils in your community


Updated 2/16/2018