Disabilities & Inclusive Practices
Technical Assistance & Professional Learning
Wisconsin’s Responsive Equitable Support Project (RESource) provides professional development and support to Wisconsin’s Birth to 3 County Programs. The RESource Project’s goal is to make sure that everyone within the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program feels connected and prepared as they work to improve outcomes for children with disabilities and their families. RESource accomplishes this mission through:
- Providing rich and varied professional development opportunities for the workforce
- Completing outreach activities with our statewide and community partners
- Connecting with Higher Education to highlight early intervention as a career path
- Creating opportunities for collaboration within our workforce
RESource Project (webpage)
To Request TA Support (form)
For more information, contact Michelle Davies, 608-745-5403 or [email protected]
The Early Learning Technical Assistance and Implementation (EL-TAI) grant supports school districts, community partners, and families to improve outcomes for preschool children with disabilities in Wisconsin, through evidenced‐based and meaningful inclusive practices.
EC SpEd DPI (webpage)
ELTAI Information: Services and support menu (pdf)
To Request TA Support (form)
Sign Up For the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Email List: The email list will provide individuals who work with and support preschoolers with IEPs with information on best practices, EC indicators, state updates, and professional learning opportunities across the state. To join the ECSE email list, copy and paste this email address ([email protected]) into the “To” field of an email. Send the email and you will receive a confirmation email.
For statewide coordination, contact: Michelle Ogorek, 414-628-9868, [email protected] or Jennifer Bibler, Jennifer.Bibler@ dpi.wi.gov
Updated 7/05/2023